What kind of tasks are operated by Internet Explorer?

What is internet explorer (IE)? | Lenovo IN

IE is a web browser that was developed by Microsoft. It was one of the most widely used browsers during the early days of the internet. IE allowed users to access and navigate websites, view multimedia content, and interact with online applications.
Source : https://www.lenovo.com/in/en/glossary/what-is-internet-explorer/

How do I reset my settings back to normal?

How to Reset Android to Factory Default - YouTube

Source : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_xbA-E6rOBc

How do I unblock Downloads on my Android phone?

How to unblock downloads on Chrome Android - Quora

Step 1: Open Chrome, click the three-dot button and choose Settings. Step 2: Scroll down to locate the Privacy and security section, and then click Security. Step 3: Under the Safe Browsing section, you can see three browsing protection options. To unblock downloads, you can choose the Standard protection option.Mar 11, 2022
Source : https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-unblock-downloads-on-Chrome-Android

How do you download a file and make it a PDF?

How Do I Convert My Documents to a PDF? - eFile

How Do I Convert My Documents to a PDF?The recommended way to create a PDF is to save your document as a PDF. ... Best way to create an ideal PDF is,Click FILE.SAVE AS...Name the document.Change the Save as Type" to PDF.Click SAVE.You will now have a PDF version of your document.More items...•Feb 7
Source : https://odysseyfileandserve.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048618892-How-Do-I-Convert-My-Documents-to-a-PDF

What does Ctrl+Shift+B do?

Keyboard Shortcuts for Chrome

Ctrl+Shift+B Opens the History page.
Source : https://www.dca.ca.gov/about_us/kbs_chrome.shtml

How do I unlock my Downloads?

How to Unblock File Downloads

In many cases, this may simply be your Downloads folder. Right-click on the file and choose Properties. If the file hasn't yet been unblocked, you'll notice on the General tab that there is either a button or checkbox at the bottom of the window to allow you to unblock the file.Apr 25, 2024
Source : https://hotcakescommerce.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/10932095222157-How-to-Unblock-File-Downloads